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Friday, March 30, 2012

Research & Literary Work on Buddhism

Research & Literary Work on Buddhism Final Exam Answer Papers 
U VAMSAPALA, ID; 5301201125
March, 26, 2012
1.     The understanding of Nettippakaranam
The understanding of Nettippakaranam, is the very widely known in many diffident ways however if I notice as a first lesson that will be Theravada Buddhists prohibit rules which has discussing six teen (16) modes of conveying such as teaching investigation, construing, a footing, characteristic, fourfold array, conversion, analysis, reversal, synonyms, description, ways of entry, clearing up, terms of expression, requisites, coordination of emphasized dependent origination. Those are basic on additional Buddhist interpretive skill which is Thereavad Buddhist development of greater morality, concentration and wisdom following by four Noble truths. The Nettippakaranam is not a commentary but teaches a particular method of interpretation for the purpose of safeguarding the interpretation of the Dhamma” the Nettippakaranam is written for people who already have a grasp of the Buddha –dhamma.
Hermeneutical approach is the known as categorically characteristic: magnification, Function Footing (proximate cause). It is the hermeneuties from the Nettippakaranam reveals a slightly different between them. Agin buddhism is not designed to be a hermeneutical-textual religious tradition, but a system designed for empirical-practice although now these teachings are available in texts (preserved as dhamma)- to benefit tradition-minded inquisitive-seekers. Consider the hermeneutical work again.
It is the principles and strategies that are descriptive of process of understaniding and a theory of understanding by hermeneutics however the four noble truths in Nettippakaranma are talking about reality practice by one not theatrical understanding. Sequential analysis is the suggested Buddhist form of analysis-emphasized in dependent origination and the Nettippakaranam, when discussing the meaning and phrasing of Dhammas- all is necessary for the primary concern of the elimination of ignorance. Honestly, I never though before such as kind of ideas however I become realize how much relative Nettippakaranam and Hermeneutical approach so that I want to say that those are both aspect seen to closely parallel teacher other. 
2.     Traibhvmikatha,
Before had being influenced by many diffident kind of credos before Buddhism arrived Many Buddhists society believe the spirit in world Because Hinduism and Brahmanism had already excited earlier them Buddhism. According to Traibhvmikatha, there are consisting karma or kamma ( action), many diffident type of things are happing  dependent on origination such as births ,rebirth  good and bad births in the life cycles. Those Traibhvmikatha has discuss also many diffident things consisting with the spirit world, Hell, Demain , Naga, God and nature characteristic of  all beings.
Not only those such as type of things but it has talking about New world and end world, this is the very interesting that what I interesting more about this in Traibhvmikatha. According to Aggannaya sutta, there are very clear definitions about this world how the world arisen up and will be end in the era. Those are Traibhvmiatha having mentioned the universal belief and implicationally human credos, habits and history. In which the belief has been handing down very strongly in Thai Buddhist some of about in we can discover basic on credos which are Spirit world and Doman including Brahmas and Hinduism in the modern era.  Most pacifically, if I mention implicationally things in morden era it will be only history of humanity and their belief until believe in at present time according with this Traibhvmiatha.
3.     Buddhadasa Bhikkhu
There are many things to talk about what he intent within his writing books and also he mention many very interesting ideas for Buddhist people.
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, he define his idea writing by books in many in many point of view in Thai society at his time, usually explained the dhamma very deeply and widely. One thing he introduced “Empty Mind Theroy” he said “empty mind is a state of mind freed from kilesa(defilements) and the mind is originally pure and empty. And how he give very philosophically in many ways but it is really useful things for Buddhist society that observation and investigation on Buddhism to be seeing clearly for many type of Buddhists. The idea is very notice that should be Buddhist people in order to get rid of kilasa that he gives way to us.
On the other hand, he force on three characteristics, Anicca ( impermanence), Dhukkha(suffering), Anatta(non-self) it is the point if I summarize the hold idea on his books including natural truth of dhamma which is the regarding with Kalama Sutta he mentioned. As I told I before, his teaching is philosophically approach. It’s amusing that everyone has their personal truths. Then someone studies the Buddha’s teachings, it remains the buddha’s truth. It doesn’t become one’s personal truth until one actually passes through it that he said. He teach us try to think about reality what the Buddha talk.
Basic on Buddha teaching he encouraged all Buddhist people to preach the divine life for the benefit and happiness  the world  and if I conclude his theory to get benefit in every part of view, Buddhists people should have mind to sacrifice toward leading to role in the affairs for all human beings in the whole world.
4.     Thai Buddhism
I would like to talk about Thai Buddhism from My point of view first; at Buddhist society had been very developing nowadays. However, some part of view, people still have diffident type of beliefs else Buddhism. In fact, Thai Buddhist is very successfully developing because Thai has been Buddhist monks’ writers such as Buddhadassa, P.A. Payoutto and Ajain Chan to declarer Thai Buddhism to the world. Not only those types of outers but also two Buddhist University founded including many Buddhist camps consisting with Buddhist Pali study in Thai therefore Thai Buddhist so promoting nowadays in Buddhist world.
In 2009, there are 28,196 Buddhist monasteries where 339,648 monks and novices live. Travelers from foreign countries have been studying money Buddhist monks in Thailand as well. Buddhist very deeply influence in Thai Buddhist society and also people called Thailand as often lend of the yellow robe.
According to “Thai Buddhism in the Buddhist World” books, over 2000 years ago Buddhist introduce to Thailand. During 3rd century B.C, King Asoka made missionary in South Asia countries. Secondly, Theravada Buddhism of the Lankavamsa tradition became popular and was more and more widely practiced in Thailand. During the Ayutthaya period, a Buddhist council, known as the Tenth council it is the first to be held in Thailand. And also I we can say Ayuttaya time period was the most popular Buddhism. Later on, Thailand founded many Buddhist council their own country and establish Thai sangha administration by Sangharaja so Thai people used to say history of Thai nation also known as history Thai Buddhism. It is summery of evolution of Thai Buddhism developed from the beginning through today consisting with my views.

5.        Discuss the writings of Somdent Phamaha Somanachao Khrom Phraya Vajrayanvarorosa( 10th sangharaja) what deals make his writings so important?   
According with 10th Sangharaja , there are many rules consisting with five important known as Navakovada, Dhamma Vibhaga, Atthasasana, Dhammavicarana and A special Auspicious Allocation those are mentioning in Thai Sangha.
In buddhasasana, the importance of root is the Vinaya Pannatti. To be a monk who need to know very essential not only to know this 227 rules but also have to practice following by those Vinaya rules. How important it is to be alive the whole Sasana these Vinaya rules are mean primacy. If vinaya broken down bhikkhus will disappear immediately and if Bhikkhus disappear, the Sasana also will not be continues so that Vinaya is the so important for every Sangha Society.
In his writing, summarily talk about the buddhist attitude towards national defense and administration and the highest course of practice has been set up weariness, the path to weariness, dispassionateness, emancipation, purity, peace and the absence of piercing weapons (Nibbana). It is the systematic method to achieve to final goals of Buddhists. And also there are another import things mention the policy of governance with the kind must consider one of his chief duties The teaching of the Buddha has been still very usefully to be friendship without against the enemy relative to Saghalovad Sutta.


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