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Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Relationship Between Sila(virtue) And Samadhi(concentration) )

Respectfully I would like to be Grateful to my teacher P.M. Pornchai Sirivaro, Dr, who gives me a duty to write this “ The relationship between sila and Samadhi ” assignment which basic on “Visuddhimagga” subject, he guide us to work properly with our own writing function in order to improve our knowledge in English as well as his encouraging is to know the significant of Buddhist concepts of sila and samadhi  and I would like to thanks all M.C.U teacher who are always give kindliness such as their own children to the monks students when their teaching time.so that I really deeply acknowledge of their compassion and loving kindness to us especially to our “ Visudhimagga ” teacher.

2.     Introduction
The study of visudhimagga, is very valuable for me because I understood more clearly the analysis of sila , smadhi and panna which  have meaningful explanation. The topic I am going to explain the relationship between sila and Samadhi which make me more interesting in visudimaga. The Visuddhimagga contains the longest sustained analysis of .sila to be found within the Small Vehicle. It is divided into three parts, one each devoted to morality (.stla), meditation (samddhi), and wisdom (pannd),and lord of Buddhagosa explained that..

“When a wise man, established well in virtue, Develops consciousness and understanding, Then as a bhikkhu ardent and sagacious He succeeds in disentangling this tangle” [1]
The mind is important to realize on sila, samdhi and panna which all lead by process consciousness to improve internal knowledge for each person. Among those three, at the bagging of two will be main topic explanation that typically, nature of  sila , sila in social life and sila in mind development in Buddhist way of life so let see how much valuable this two.
The Relationship Between Sila(virtue) And Samadhi(concentration)  

In Visudhimagga,  Sila is fulfills the practice of the duties basically  no killing, no stalling, no drinking, no mix-sexual conduct, no telling lying, no abusive speech, no slanderous speech, non-covetousness, non-malevolence  and keep right views . Thus ten perfection of practicing are the main Buddhist teachings. Those sila are basic on nature Dhamma such as five precepts that is why we can also know as nature of virtue.
The Pali word for morality is sila and looking at the Eightfold Path shows that it is the foundation of the main Buddhist path of practice. Sila is a form of action and involves an act of will, intention or volition which occurs in three ways: body, speech and mind - often referred to as the three doors of action.
Generally There are two mean different kind of silas known as carita sila and varita sila .  Sila is morality and right conduct which comprises three stages along the eightfold path, right speech, right action and right livelihood. Those are clearly mention on practicing sila however, in Visudhimagga has explained many kinds of sila (virtue). Namely

1.       Firstly all this virtue is of one kind by reason of its own characteristic of composing.
2.       It is of two kinds as keeping and avoiding.
3.        Likewise as that of good behaviour and that of the beginning of the life of purity,
4.       As abstinence and non-abstinence,
5.       As dependent and independent,
6.       As temporary and lifelong,
7.       As limited and unlimited,
8.       As mundane and super mundane.
9.       It is of three kinds as inferior, medium, and superior.
10.     Likewise as giving precedence to self, giving precedence to the world, and giving precedence to the Dhamma,
11.     As adhered to, not adhered to, and tranquillized.
12.     As purified, unpurified, and dubious.
13.     As that of the trainer, that of the non-trainer, and that of the neither-                  trainer nor- non-trainer.
14.     It is of four kinds as partaking of diminution, of stagnation, of distinction, of penetration.
15.     Likewise as that of bhikkhus, of bhikkhunìs, of the not-fully-admitted, of the laity,
16.     As natural, customary, necessary, due to previous causes,
17.     As virtue of Pátimokkha restraint, of restraint of sense faculties, of Purification of livelihood, and that concerning requisites.
18.     It is of five kinds as virtue consisting in limited purification,[2]

According to visudhimgga , sila refer to Samvara (restraint)  which link  to patimokkha (rule), sati (mindfulness) , nana (knowledge), khanati ( patience) and viriya (effort)  that are result as a benefit of sila (virtue). Here I need to talk about paitimokkha  a little bit more because Buddhaghosa list 227 rules of monastic codes as virtue. As we all know these 227 rules order to follow for Theravada Buddhist monks but also it is like morality in daily monkhood‘s life that is why I think he accounted this monks rule as virtue. 

Applying this foundation of sila is composing to The characteristic ( lakkhana) which explained as the co-ordination of bodily actions. These characteristic is the identifying feature of sila in all its manifestations regardless of what categories it may be analyzed into sila. There are two main functions too, which are morality and immorality and also known as dussila or sampattisila. I am giving analysis these two kind of sila , in parli team in dussila( immoral which support to reach social problems in or daily life. However, on the others hand smapattisila (moral) including hiri (self-influence) it has the characteristic of respectful obedience and ottappa (influence by world). This sila has given solution of social problem because it has emphasis placed upon hiri and ottappa as the consequences of failure in morality. Therefore Buddhaghosa explained ..

“Furthermore, a bhikkhu is respectful; deferential; possessed of conscience and shame; wears his inner robe properly; wears his upper robe properly; his manner inspires confidence whether in moving forwards or backwards, looking ahead or aside, bending or stretching; his eyes are downcast; he has (a good) deportment; he guards the doors of his sense faculties; knows the right measure in eating; is devoted to wakefulness; possesses mindfulness and full awareness; wants little; is contented; is strenuous; is a careful observer of good behaviour; and treats the teachers with great respect.” [3]

So, the Buddhist monks’ monastic rules are involving into hiri and ottappa such as 227 patimonkkha and 75 sekhiya dhamma for Buddhist monks in practicing sila (vitues). There is on doubt, if someone who practices sila, can does automatically improve his mind from Buddhist concepts.  
In deep, the explanation of sila in visuddhimagga,  is very wide but thus i given bereft short concept regarding sila (virtue).

4.    Samdhi ( concentration)
According to visuddhimagga, Samadhi obtain to wisdom, which is traditionally developed by contemplating one of 40 different objects which are mentioned throughout in pali cannon. Nature of sila comes from mediation which has two kind of Samadhi known as insight concentration and outside concentration. Insight concentration can realize by mediation but outside concentration like can observe anything what we have intention in metrical events.
There are many types of Samadhi in Buddha teaching namely, samprajana Samadhi or upacara Samadhi (access concentration), asamprajata Samadhi or appana Samadhi (absorption concentration, khanika Samadhi (deep concentration). Those are all mentioned to contemplate focus on body and mind only. For example, if we focus on kanika Samadhi we need to intent to contemplate body only but if we concentrate upacara and appana Samadhi we need to focus on mind. It is the way contemplating to get concentration.
Especially in visuddhimagga , Buddhaghosa explained more wildly mindfulness of breathing and loving-kindness from those among 40 objects as insight concentration in Buddhist meditations.  The main factor of concentration basic on breathes in and breathes out. And it is only afterwards that everyone should apply himself to the arousing of knowledge and concentration.

However, from metta bavana concept, there are only three observe to improve mind stages. It is as below.

1. parikamma samadhi – preliminary concentration
2. upacara samadhi – access concentration
3. appana samadhi – fixed concentration

In visudhimagga , there has also give  very important explanation basic on loving-kindness in order to get concentration that is truly buddhaghosa  mentioned..
“The meaning is this: “Bhikkhu, when this basic concentration has been developed by you by means of loving-kindness, then, instead of resting content with just that much, you should make this basic concentration reach quadruple and quintuple jhána in other objects by [further] developing it in the way beginning ‘With applied thought”[5]
Verse . 116.
Therefore, the foundermental of anpana sati (breathe in, out) and loving-kindness (metta) is mentioned with contemplating to get concentration.  
In the concept of philosophical point of views, Samadhi can be present in unwholesome states of consciousness as well as in wholesome a neutral states. In its unwholesome forms it is called wrong concentration (micchasamadhi), in its wholesome forms right concentration (sammasamadhi). For example, I have concentrate to take money from others pocket while he turn round. It is a wrong concentration. But if someone contemplates to get samgadhi on meditation it is called right concentration. To practice mind development whosoever need to observe wholesome states which can lead right concentration.
1.    The relationship between sila and smadhi
There is no right concentration Without sila, basic on sila , three things follow sila (virtue), Samadhi (concentration) and panna (wisdom). Therefore, samdhi depen on sila. And also sila and Samadhi they are linking each other like padhicasmupada (dependent originations) however, without sila we can get concentration but these concentration is apart from Buddhist such as Hinduism concept of smadhi. To gain right we need sila according to Buddhism that is why following by sila then go next step samdhi and reach to wisdom.
I notice one thing that moral impurity and physical impurity also involve on concentration however in sila there is not such kind of concepts. Because in virtue, if we did wrong we cannot call wrong virtue also there is not concept for wring virtue. It is only called immoral which relative to murder, stall, and drink alcohol, sexual misconduct and lying. On This two Dhammas , sila is coming first and smadhi follow to gain panna (wisdom). In Buddhist mediation
The explanation of sila and smadhi in visudhimagga , is very deep and wide but if we look at the meaning of virtue and concentration in generally we can see easily and understand as soon as we heard and look . However, the way we understood that will not be enough to realize what visuddhimagga explained really is.  Exactly, the concept of sila and smadhi  guide to reach the wisdom of ultimate knowledge of Buddha teaching . That knowledge will be gained by sila and smadhi practicing insight mediation. That is why the Buddha said:
“Truly, from meditation arises wisdom. Without meditation wisdom wanes. Knowing this twofold path of gain and loss, let one so conduct oneself that wisdom may increase.” [6]
(Dhammapada v.282)
Therefore, the bsast way to attain enlightenment or  nibbana is the meditation according with visudhimagga teaching. If I conclude  that in Buddhism, these sila and Samadhi are very essential to know and realize for everyone as main teaching of Buddha only then we will understand more what Buddha thought really is in meaning of life to own valuable life as visitor of the temporarily  world. 

1.     The Path of Purification,  Buddhagosa, part 1, virtue, pg.64.
2.     . The path of purification ,  Buddhagosa, part 1, virtue,  Pg.72
3.      Visuddhimagga in verse 48
4.     Metta bavana, venerable sujiva, http://www.buddhanet.net/mettac3.htm, view-13/3/2013
5.      Visudhimagga verse  116.
5       Khudaka nikkaya, Dhammapada v.282
6      Buddhism and sciences, P.A. Payouto, too little, 
8      www.wikipidia.com /Samadhi/ view.10/3/2013

[1] The Path of Purification,  Buddhagosa, part 1, virtue, pg.64.
[2] The path of purification ,  Buddhagosa, part 1, virtue,  Pg.72
[3] Visuddhimagga in verse 48
[4] Metta bavana, venerable sujiva, http://www.buddhanet.net/mettac3.htm, view-13/3/2013
[5] Visudhimagga verse  116.
[6] Khudaka nikkaya, Dhammapada v.282


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