What is the meaning of Kāraka?
• ‘Vibhattīnamatthabhedā’
• ‘Kriyāsidyupakārakaṃ kārakaṃ’
Something assists to action is called ‘Kāraka’
The cases in Pāli language
1.Paṭhamā – Nominative - case
2. Ālapana – Vocative –case
3. Dutiyā – Accusative –case
4. Tatiyā –Instrumental –case
5. Catutthi – Dative case
6. Pañcami – Ablative case
7. Chaṭṭhi – Possessive –case
8. Sattami – Locative -case
Akāraka Vibhatti
• Among the above mentioned cases’
• Paṭhamā and Chaṭṭhi recognized as ‘Akāraka’.
• Paṭhamā is the subject or the agent of a sentence.
Ex; Buddho dhammaṃ deseti., Bhikkhu piṇḍāya carati., Sārathi rathaṃ nayati.
• Chatthi doesn’t strong action in a sentence.
Ex; Coro narassa bhaṇḍam coreti.
Dutiya Kāraka
• ‘Kammatthe dutiyā’
• Accusative case provides the meaning of ‘Dutiyā’.
Ex; Puriso rukkham chindati.
Divisions of Dutiyā karaka
• There are three divisions; , Nibbatti – it produces new thing.
Ex; Mata puttam vijāyati. , Vaḍḍhakī gehaṃ māpeti., Vikati – it deforms something.
Ex; Kumbhakāro ghaṭam bhindati., Vanitā Kaṭṭham aṅgāram karoti., Sūdo mamsam pacati.
Apti – it receives something.
Ex; Manusso geham pavisati., Dārako rūpam passati.
Dutiyā in meaning of Chaṭṭhi
• Antarā- Antarā ca rājagahaṃ antarā ca nāḷandaṃ.
• Abhito - Abhito gāmaṃ vasati.
• Parito - Parito gāmam vasati.
• Pati - Nadiṃ nerañjaraṃ pati.
• Paṭibhātiyoge - Paṭibhantu taṃ cunda bojjhaṅgā, Upamā maṃ paṭibhāti.
With some prefixes
• Upa – Gāmaṃ upavasati,
• Anu - Gāmaṃ anuvasati,
• Adhi - Vihāraṃ adhivasati,
• Karaṇe Tatiyā
(Tatiya in the meaning of instrumental)
(Tatiya in the meaning of instrumental)
Ex; Dārako hatthena likhati., Manusso maggena gacchati., Seṭṭhi rathena gacchati.
Suddha Kattu (Pure agent)
Ex; Devadatto gantum samattho., Hetu kattu (Causative instrument)
Ex; Purisena devadatto gamayati.
(deformity of the body)
(deformity of the body)
• Ex; Akkhinā kāṇo. Hatthena kuṇī. Pādena khañjo. , Piṭṭhiyā khujjo.
• Visesane ca – (in comparison)
Ex; Gottena gotamo nātho. , Sāriputtoti nāmena, vissuto paññavā ca so;
Jātiyā khattiyo buddho, loke ppaṭipuggalo., Tadahu pabbajito santo, jātiyā sattavassiko;
Sampadāne catutthi
Catutthi to mean the receiving
Catutthi to mean the receiving
• Ex; Dāyako bhikkhussa dānaṃ dadāti.
In respect
• Namo –
Ex; Namo te buddha vīratthu, namo karohi nāgassa, namatthu buddhānaṃ, namatthu bodhiyā.
• Sotthi ;
Ex; Sotthi pajānaṃ., Svagata - Ex; Svāgataṃ te mahārāja, atho te adurāgataṃ.
Apādāne pañcami
(Ablative in removing)
(Ablative in removing)
Ex; Vānaro rukkhamhā patati., Bhikkhu vihāramhā nikkhamati.
• Its two kinds of division
• Cala – apadāna (moving ablative)
Ex; Manusso rathamhā patati., dhāvatā hatthimhā patito aṅkusadhārī.
• Acala – apadāna (unmoving ablative)
• Ex; Munayo pabbatamhā patanti., Pabbatā otaranti vanacarā.
Special usages
• Bhaya; (fear)
Ex; corā bhayaṃ jāyati.
Hetu; (cause)
Ex; Taṇhāya jāyatī bhayaṃ, Pāpato uttasati.
• With some special verbal roots.
Para + Ji
Ex; Buddhasmā parājenti aññatitthiyā. Kāmato jāyatī soko,
yasmā so jāyate gini, urasmā jāto putto, kammato jātaṃ indriyaṃ.
• Ārati; (In usage of abstinence).
• Ex; Aasaddhammaṃ ārati, virati pāpā, pāṇātipātā veramaṇī, adinnādānā paṭivirato, appaṭivirato musāvādā.
• Suddhatthappayoge (purity)
Ex; lobhanīyehi dhammehi suddho asamsaṭṭho, mātito ca pitito ca suddho anupakkuṭṭho agarahito.
Sāmismiṃ chaṭṭhi
(Chaṭṭhi to mean the possession)
(Chaṭṭhi to mean the possession)
• Ex; Rukkhassa chāyā., Gehassa dvāraṃ. , Seṭṭhissa dhanaṃ.
Okāse sattami
(Sattami in meaning of space)
(Sattami in meaning of space)
Ex; Manusso gāme vasati., Sakuno rukkhe nisīdati.. Devā sagge vasanti.
• Chatthi;
• Ex; Akāmakānaṃ mātāpitunaṃ rudantānaṃ pabbaji.
Ex; Mātāpitusu rudantesu pabbaji.
Kammatthe; (in the meaning of Dutiya)
Ex; Bhikkhusu abhivādenti, muddhani cumbitvā, purisassa bāhāsu gahetvā.
• Karaṇatthe; (in the meaning of Karaṇa).
• Ex; Hatthesu piṇḍāya caranti, pattesu piṇḍāya caranti, pathesu gacchanti, sopi maṃ anusāseyya,
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