1. Theoretical models
a. Theory = science always may not be faith or truth.
b. Test= 28 days coming one time for woman blood from vagina.
c. Result= menopause( behavior)
Example= women – river water coming up due to the moon
Because, moon has gravity.
2. Conscious need in Freudian psychology ?
(A) Conscious= all past experience that you can remember
(B) Preconscious= all experience that you can recollect if you whish
(C) Unconscious= people unhappy ,or happy, afraid or brave that is due to unconscious
3. Ego formation
(a) ID, = want pleasure principle all animals seek pleasure and avoid suffering
(b) Ego= rational principle delved gratification rules to living ( human beings have diffident drive and motivation (sex, drive, libido) it is very powerful for human being)
(c) Super Ego= ideals, democracy, morality etc.. ( english people never do to get chance for paying money . that is protecting society others)
4. Defense mechanisms = explain and give example
(a) Denial =deny ( forget past)
(b) Repression= motivated for getting
(c) Regression= reverting to childish behavior
(a-b-c) projection= seeing your qualities in others
5. Conditioning =
(a) (stimulate)
(b) Conditioned
(c) Response
Example= dog want to food, if you show to notice sth always ,
he, dog know how he will does.
6. General question on counseling = theory to solve problem
(a) Listen, don’t teach
(b) Don’t react emotionally to their problem
(c) Seating
(d) Timing= 30 munites (don’t make over )
(e) Ask question , don’t give answers
7. Maslow’s hierarchy
1. Physical needs= heath, food , water, breathing
2. Safety, security
3. Belonging, love, society= acceptance, respect from others
4. Self –esteem= self-respect and self-worth
5. Cognitive needs = to know, learn, understand explore
6. Ascetic need= beauty, art, order
( above until 6= deficit needs = dukkha )
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