Research & Literary Work on Buddhism Final Exam Answer Papers
U VAMSAPALA, ID; 5301201125
March, 26, 2012
1. The understanding of Nettippakaranam
The understanding of Nettippakaranam, is the very widely known in many diffident ways however if I notice as a first lesson that will be Theravada Buddhists prohibit rules which has discussing six teen (16) modes of conveying such as teaching investigation, construing, a footing, characteristic, fourfold array, conversion, analysis, reversal, synonyms, description, ways of entry, clearing up, terms of expression, requisites, coordination of emphasized dependent origination. Those are basic on additional Buddhist interpretive skill which is Thereavad Buddhist development of greater morality, concentration and wisdom following by four Noble truths. The Nettippakaranam is not a commentary but teaches a particular method of interpretation for the purpose of safeguarding the interpretation of the Dhamma” the Nettippakaranam is written for people who already have a grasp of the Buddha –dhamma.