
of the important religious texts of Hinduism are the Vedas, the upanisads , the
puranas, the Dharma sutras and Dharma-sastras, the Ramayana , the Mahabharata
and Bhagavad-Gita. In the case, not only it is that Hinduism has no one as its
definite founder and on books as its one exclusive text but also that it has
got no well-defined rigid and dogmatic principles of faith or practice. As a
matter of fact, the way of worship or prayer or any other such way is not the
only way of realizing god or attaining salvation. There are various ways, of
which Hinduism more often speaks of three the way of knowledge, the way of
action and the way of worship and prayer.
is not only a religion but a social system and a tradition too. There have
basic features of Hinduism as a religion it is as below.
1. Hinduism is a complex religion
admitting of vast differences of beliefs and practices amongst its followers.
2. It is polytheistic, monotheistic
, monistic and atheistic all a time same
3. Belief in the authority of the
vedas and belongingness to one of the four varnas are more or less essential
marks of anyone being a hindu.
4. Hinduism, whether it be theistic
or atheistic, believe in an overall supremacy of the spiritual ove the profance
and material.
5. Quite in consonance with the
above belief.
6. In continuation of its belief in
the immortality of soul
7. This transmigration of soul from
one body to another is not however taken
as something desirable in Hinduism.
8. Action done with a sense of
9. Hinduism firmly believes that
release from this cycle of birth and rebirth is possible and this release is
called moksha.
10. Monksha is possible by adopting
any of the paths that path of knowledge.
11. Moksha is life eternal in which
soul becomes free from all worldly suffering and attains its original pure
spiritual nature.
Beside on those above rule of condition,
the practitioner follows by Hinduism. The concept of God, Hindu belief
in God ranges from polytheism through abstract monism to a concrete monotheism.
Vedas are regarded as the most original source of hindu faith and they are
clearly polytheistic in nature. They abound in various god and goddesses of whom yaruna, mitra, agni and indra it is seem
to be prominent.
There is no definite theory of
creation in Hinduism about the world. There is at least one Hindu system
of thought the samkhya system which believes that the world is a product of
evolution. We have the biggest questions in Hinduism that who verily knows and
who can here declare it , whence it was born and whence came this creation ?
the gods are later then this world’production. Who knows then, whence it first
came into being. God created the world , one the others hand, as to the nature
and status of the world, the general hindu belief is that atthough the world is
dependent upon god. In hindulism , there are several views about world among
then samkarai view himself quite unambiguously says that although on the
ultimate leveal the world is not real
and what is real is brahman and brahman alone on the pratical level the world
is fully real and all its activities have a real significance.
Man has been given a very high
status. He is not only the highest creature of the world but he is often given
a status equal to God. However essential greatness, men as he stands here in
the world, is a victim of ignorance and it in bondage. Hinduism allows freedowm
to man is sometimes disputed. It is said that the law of karma is not a symbol
of man’s freedom.
Hindu approach to suffering is
more practical than theoretical and according to it for the most part suffering
is attributed to one’s own past karmas rather than to any other agency. The
main problem is to get rid of this suffering rather than to explain it. Again
suffering is not any specific feature of life it is life or existence itself.
The above many be taken as an explanation of individual suffering according
with karma. Suffering is due to ignorance about the true nature of reality.
Therefore mainly consists in holding that man himself and not God , is
responsible for this suffering and evils he can remove it by his own
Life all other religions hinuism
also believes that life of man does not end with his physical death. The
immortal soul of man endures even after the death of his body but what happens
to the soul after the death of the body. The idea of rebirth in hindu faith
is essentially bound up with the idea of
karma. The vedas believe that life after death the spirit of man is sent
to heaven or hell in consequence of good or bad actions done by him on earth.
However in popular hindu belief ideas of heaven and hell are also present and
it is not very clear how the hindus relate the ideas of heaven and hell with
the idea of rebirth.
Destiny of man is the attainment of moksha
according with Hinduism. Hmoksha means release or liberation which is opposed
to bandhan or bondage. Liberation in Hinduism, of course means freedom from all
sorts of worldly bonds specifically freedowm from the cycle of birth and
Naturally knowledge is regarded
as the means to liberation. In any case knowledge seems necessary for
moksha. It is kama actions which is
bind, and therefore they must be checked . ethics cannot have any place in
Hinduism as a means to liberation. The way of hindu prayer mostly
consists of the silent recitation of mantras which are repeated for long hours
Sometimes simple repeating of the name of god such as Ram Ram.
Hinduism is also divided into
certain sects. However the hindu sects have never been set completely apart
from each other and there is a perfect understanding between them. Hinduism has
many kind of sects such as vaishanvim
and saktism. The principal
sects in modern times certain social and religious reformers have been able
to attract certain hindus around them to form new groups within Hinduism.
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