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Friday, July 26, 2013

Buddhist Economic Ethics

Buddhist Economic Ethics 
by Vamsapala
1.     Preface
Respectfully I would like to be Grateful to my teacher Ashin Sumanacara, who gives me a duty to write this “Buddhist Economic Ethic” assignment which basic on “Buddhist Ethic” subject, he guide us to work properly with our own writing function in order to improve our knowledge in English as well as his encouraging is to know the significant of Buddhist concepts in Buddhist ethics to students and I would like to thanks all M.C.U teacher who are always give kindliness such as their own children to the monks students when their teaching time.so that I really deeply acknowledge of their compassion and loving kindness to us especially to our “ Buddhist Ethic” teacher.

2.     Introduction
Generally, there are four kind of ethics knows as Metta ethic, normative ethic, applied ethic and decretive ethic however each religion has distributed their own ethics. In Buddhism has also “Buddhist ethic”. Today I am going to apply about “Buddhist Economic Ethics” subject on “Buddhist Ethic”. When I talk about “Buddhists Economic Ethics” there will be two parts as main topics which are from “Buddhists and Economic” views regarding with ethical concepts as well as I have divided six different type of name as headers in order to explain more clear on “Buddhist Ethics” compare with another concept of ethical views such as “mainstream economic and Buddhist economic to complete widely. The writing function will be a kind of philosophical concept and moral principal as well. In deep, most of the ideas are showing my own understanding on this topic and I hope that this topic will be more reasonable writing in both Buddhist and ethical views.
3.     Buddhists Concept & Ethics
In Theravada concept, Buddhism nether religion nor philosophy because Buddhism different from others religions. Religions teach to faiths but Buddha shows the way to practice. There is not forceful anything to do in Buddhism. Generally original of Buddhist didn’t consider the metaphysis which has later distribute by Buddha’s followers. However remember that Buddha introduced us to realize simple method to practice in reality but to believe in imagination that is why Buddhism should not called as a religion. There has very clear reason in kalama sutta regarding with ethical point of views that Buddha says:
"Do not believe in anything (simply)
because you have heard it.
Do not believe in traditions because they
have been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything because it is
spoken and rumoured by many.

Do not believe in anything (simply) because

it is found written in your religious books.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority

of your teachers and elders.
 But after observation and analysis
when you find that anything agrees with reason

and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all

then accept it and live up to it.
(Anguttara Nikaya Vol. 1, 188-193 P.T.S. Ed.)[1]
Therefore it is the most appropriate concept. It is right to follow from ethical views as well. The explanation of ethic is a moral code in any cases to be balance and show reasonable concept in the world today. Ethics studies values and virtues both are consider acting right ways. Accept to be good in wealth, love and free down and religions. For example, you donate something in religion which you believe in that you believe to be back something as reflection. It is reasonable idea what people accept in any realigns including Buddhists. That is why we choose and we do batter what we think and believe but it is should be ethical concept. So saying that ethic which is generally knows as four castigate as follow..
1.   Meta-ethics, about the theoretical meaning and reference of moral propositions and how their truth values (if any) may be determined.
2.    Normative ethics, about the practical means of determining a moral course of action.
3.   Applied ethics, about how moral outcomes can be achieved in specific situation.
4.   Descriptive ethics, also known as comparative ethics, is the study of people's beliefs about morality.[2]
Briefly, ethic explain thus four concepts as mean doctoral philosophy systemically that metta-understanding of nature, normative-study of ethical action, applied-specialize discipline and descriptive-value-free approach as Buddha thought on Kalama Sutta.  
4.     Buddhist ethics
‘’Ayameva Kho Bhikkhu Ariyo Atthant giko Maggo Brahmacariya
Monk, the Noble Eightfold Path is Brahmacariya: Code of Ethics”
                                                                                        (S. 19/30/7).[3]
The meaning of Brahmacariya , is sublime life. It is noble conduct or behavior because it leads to highest virtue in the Buddha teaching which has consisting  Right view, Right intention, Right speech, Right action, Right livelihood, Right mindfulness and Right concentration. Among them, Right speech, Right action, Right livelihood are ethical conduct in Buddhist virtues. 
In Buddhist ethic, Brahmacariya has also regarding with universal moral code of five precepts, no killing, no stalling, no sensual misconduct, no talking lie and no drinking alcohol and four Brahmavihara which are known as metta: loving-kindness, Karuna: compassion, Mudita: sympathetic joy and Upekkha: equanimity. Those four virtues are so called Brahmavihara which guide to practice to Brahmacariya in Buddha teaching.
There are mentioned as the most important Buddhist ethical Dhammas known as sila:  means morality or moral conduct, such as five precepts which means by which morality is kept. smadhi: means concentration, one-pointedness of mind and mental discipline. Panna: means insight, discernment. Among then sila is the key to reach the high level steps. Sila represents an action that has been taken or mommitted through the body mind and speech of the being and it is characterized by intentional effort therefor sila refer to moral ethics to purify the mind and matter accepting smadhi and panna as following by sila. 
In the concept of Buddha teaching, Dhamma is the ethic which should follow and practice and which is not should follow and practice. The brief of understanding in Buddha’s teaching, it is the only tree words, “avoiding evil, keep morality to be purify the mind” so that thus brief words are the most significance ethical teaching in Buddhism.   
5.     Buddhist economic
According to P.A. Payutoo, Buddhist economics is a spiritual approach to economics. It examines the psychology of the human mind which connects to direct economic activities. It refers to Buddhist middle way life too. Basically, most of the Buddhists scholars mention in this Buddhist economics topic that “Right Livelihood” which is a most valuable point in Buddhism, is  of the requirements of the Noble Eightfold Path. Therefore, Right Livelihood should know as a mean teaching of Buddhist economic. 
On the one hand, Buddhist economic encourage people to act simple way in economic. Especially, in order to be balance in any cases. Nowadays, the modern economic has been so developing day by day however the economic problem has increasing at the same ways such global economic crisis , over product scare resources  . The problem is that people have intent to get unlimited want. So that Buddhist economic approach that to solve those kind of problem.  On the others hand, Buddhist middle way, “Right Livelihood” explain simply that how to live and how to die in this world. It is we can so called “Balance Life” which has clear definition from Buddhist point of views that it is a disciple of the noble ones and it is avoiding dishonest livelihood, keeps the life going with right livelihood.
Buddhist economic teach to understand right way basic on Right livelihood in Buddhist middle way. It is a function to practice to be balance boss to employers, parents to children, teacher to student, people to people, society to society, nation to nation and country to country. The benefice of right livelihood is leading to pace within human beings. To understand right livelihood we need to know what is wrong livelihood which in not to do Business in weapons, business in human beings, business in meat, business in intoxicants, and business in poison. Those teachings are key reason to avoid in Buddhism.
There has a most functional word in Buddhist teaching regarding with Buddhist economic ethic that non-violence which is consisting in five precept “law of universal moral codes” , is very necessary to be tranquility of the world where man create more conditionals backgrounds what human needed such as sociology, political, religions and business in all of hose reason will continues properly without any problems if our world tranquility which refer to avoid violence. Thus I have mention that non-violence, right livelihood are one of the most emphasize Buddhist perspective to our community, environment and earth. It is also Buddhist Economists approach in our daily lives.

6.      Apply to Economics in Middle Way  
Applied ethics approach to Economic in Middle way that test ethical principle and equality everything in our world because middle way talk about balance to us . P.A. Payoutta said :
 “From a Buddhist perspective, economic principles are related to the three interconnected aspects of human existence: human beings, society and the natural environment. Buddhist economics must be in concord with the whole causal process and to do that it must have a proper relationship with all three of those areas, and they in turn must be in harmony and mutually supportive. Economic activity must take place in such a way that it doesn't harm oneself (by causing a decline in the quality of life) and does not harm others (by causing problems in society or imbalance in the environment).[4]
Thus he mentions three ways to be balance in economic that human beings, society and environment are quick effective to do business form Buddhist point of view. Those mentioned not only Buddhist perspective function but also economical ethics agree with them. The only one way diffident between Buddhist ethic and economic ethic that should be religion view of Buddhist economic: academy way of economic.
Nowadays, the major problem for society and environment that was made by human who have so much greed and unlimited want that is why all problem we have that human created. So that human have reasonability to resolve all problem which have been harming to animals and environments. The world we create beautiful or the world we create ugly by ourselves. Although we did thinking right we need look back and undertake what we have done in this world as the doers.
In middle way, the Buddha taught us to realize with awareness whatever we do and did following by Noble Eightfold Paths. The benefit of middle way in economic is possibly categorized as below ..
1.     Socialism
2.     Non-violence
3.     Peaceful society
4.     Environmental preservation
In many way we can undertake what is good thing by own self or others. It is either we do ourselves or encouraging other to perceptive by right action in middle way in economic.
7.     Buddhist Economics  and Mainstream Economics
I would like to compare with between Buddhist economic and mainstream economic how they connect each other and why we need try to compare in case study of Buddhist ethics. The reason why Buddhist applies the principles of Buddha teaching in economic as well as focus on modern economic. Basically between two sides of economics we have systemically method to introduce our society that is ..
“Buddhist economics activities with the aim for both individuals and society to achieve peace and tranquility under resource constraint, Mainstream economics activities (production, distribution, and consumption) with the aim for individuals to achieve maximum utility under the condition of resource constraint and for the society to reach maximum welfare  under the same condition”. [5]
Thus we learn how the way we can get benefit between two persons, consumer and producers who need compare with each other in every activity to be balance. However, the major difference between Buddhist economics and mainstream economics is that mainstream economic views the human as an economic man who knows his own interests and choose to get maximize price. These are mostly focus on self-interests and own profits in many way.
Buddhist economic applied different understanding of human nature because Buddha teaching to see interdependence of all things especially between living beings and non-living beings dependent on causes and effects. It is clear we can see that how Buddhist economic approach in our societies. It is encourage people need rather than personal choose or not only to gain benefit oneself but also to be balance with another’s options. That is why we can see how Buddhist economic and mainstream economics work different in society but we can try to change to be batter life , to be batter world introduced  by Buddhist economic from ethical views.
8.     Buddhist Economics Ethics
The analysis of Buddhist economic is affective to our social and environmental ethics. Expect from self- interest, Buddhist economics more focus on others living and non-living things rolling by cause and effects. The Buddhists are more reliable on moral code what Buddha teaching that began from universal law of Five Precepts, Noble Eightfold Path, Four Noble Truth until to enlighten from Buddhist cause. In briefly, Buddhism guides to human beings how to live and how to die affectively in this world so long as liberation from this living lives.
Why do we need Buddhist economic ethic in living lives and what are they to do so the reason that Buddha teaching give us clarify answer that is..
“Buddhist economic thought and practice must be reunited with ethics that are more caring of the human-nature base. Such ethics may be found in alternative economic models based on religious, spiritual, environmental, or feminist values. This essay considers one such alternative”[6]
The value of Buddhist thought that should be practicing oneself and encouraging others to do so rather than belief. Not to do harmful others in economics including society and environment. It is like the ultimate teaching of Buddhism as principal of human to occur on middle way between biolistic and non-biolistic.  So that the Buddhist economic ethic is very essential virtue to get solution in any economic crisis and problem using with Buddhist middle way.    

9.     Conclusion
Buddhist Ethic which is also known as Buddhist morality is the very significant virtue for all human-kind. Each country and each society they have their own rule of laws to protect and develop their lands as well as those lands have also their own believe an concept basic on religions teaching. In every religion has of their own statements to respect, obey, and follow the principles and rules of their relevant people. In fact, ethics which also one of the essential concepts of religions and societies, guide us to be balance, peace and non-violence in social, business and political events. Exactly, Buddhist economic ethics concept which refer to get solution in every problem and crises in the world today, are also one of the very important way to do develop individually of their own morality and human principle to live peacefully in society. Thus I have explanation in body part of this article which is a kind of useful for Buddhist ethical concept as well as social economic and morally principle to practice in human society.

10.  Reference

4.     www.wikipidia.com
6.     [1] Ethic, wikipida, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics, views/18/2/2013
7.     [1] Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Ethics slide, Classroom teaching M.C.U, Dr. Natdhira Sridee, Second Semester,  Pg-31, 2013
8.     Buddhist Economics A Middle Way for the market place , Payutto, Ven.P.A Translated by Dhammavijaya and Bruce Evans, compiled by Bruce Evans and Jourdan Arenson
9.     Buddhism & economic,  Buddhist economic that is beyond that of Schumacher’s and sufficiency economy, Montra, leoseng, Dr, 3rd years , 2nd semester, classroom teaching slides, 2013.
[1] Sufficiency Economy and Santi Asoke: Buddhist Economic Ethics  for a Just and Sustainable World , Juliana Essen , Soka University of America, , Journal of Buddhist Ethics ISSN 1076-9005 http://www.buddhistethics.org/ Volume 17, 2010/ view-20/2/1012.

[2] Ethic, wikipida, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics, views/18/2/2013
[3] Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Ethics slide, Classroom teaching M.C.U, Dr. Natdhira Sridee, Second Semester,  Pg-31, 2013

[4]Buddhist Economics A Middle Way for the market place , Payutto, Ven.P.A Translated by Dhammavijaya and Bruce Evans, compiled by Bruce Evans and Jourdan Arenson

[5]Buddhism & economic,  Buddhist economic that is beyond that of Schumacher’s and sufficiency economy, Montra, leoseng, Dr, 3rd years , 2nd semester, classroom teaching slides, 2013.
[6] Sufficiency Economy and Santi Asoke: Buddhist Economic Ethics  for a Just and Sustainable World , Juliana Essen , Soka University of America, , Journal of Buddhist Ethics ISSN 1076-9005 http://www.buddhistethics.org/ Volume 17, 2010/ view-20/2/1012.


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