" Believe yourself than others that is your success-fulness"

Friday, December 7, 2012

Theory of Suffering & Happiness in Theravada Buddhism

Theory of Suffering & Happiness in Theravada Buddhism 

I have really very grateful to Teacher, Dr.Phra Seng Hurng Narindo for giving me a chance to write this special topic named “Theory of Suffering & Happiness in Theravada Buddhism”. It is very great opportunity for me to learn specific with deeply understanding such as these meaning teaching between suffering & happiness in Theravada Buddhism and I would like to give special thinks to our Mahachularlongkorn University in which I have a good chance to learn many different religions knowledge especially Buddhist understanding knowledge that I much promoting in deep by sporting of this University. 

Diffident Between Samatha and Vipassana Meditation

Diffident Between Samatha and Vipassana Meditation

What I have in my mind what I read already about Buddhist meditation books that I today I have a chance to talk about Buddhist meditation different between Samatha & Vipassana. But here the way of my writing and understanding may be diffident from others because I want to mention about general theory of Buddhist mediation basic on focus on Samatha & Vipassana and let see how be different between these two things.

what is mean cause for organizing second and third council time, period, sponsor by whom and value . ?

what is mean cause for organizing second  and third council   time, period, sponsor by whom and value . ?

the imminent reason for the reason for the 2nd Buddhist council was behavior of vijjipttaka monks , Buddhism in the kingdom of magadha and kosala were at the waning side during the day of kalasoka. Vijji monks who tried to amend the minor vinaya rules . vajji monks were did enough convince the public about their new suggestion. So it was very hard for traditionalist to go against the changes of the Buddhist vinaya. On the other hand, kalasoka has no much knowledge on Buddhism. Theravadadins could not win the support of the king kaasoka ta the beginning. There were some social aspects hat influenced the vajjns to make amendment to the vinaya.

what is morality ?

     what is morality ?

There can be no success in getting happiness out of the lord buddha’s dhamma until we understand use sila, which is a pali-sanskrit word meaning morality. 

Bodhisattva ideal from Theravada and Mahayana point of view

 Bodhisattva ideal   from Theravada and Mahayana point of view

Buddisattava ideal is one of the most important ideals in Mahayana Buddhism . bodhisattava  is a person who in his essential being is motivated by the desire to win full enlightenment to be a Buddha.

What is right view?

    What is right view?

Right understanding or view means correct understanding, the best understanding it is true but it is not no half true or false . if it is less than our best then it is not right understanding . this means that each one  of us must try hard to get a really good understanding of the Buddha’s path. If we fail to  make a good start, then we are like the man lost in the desert.

1. Spired of Buddhism during the time of the Buddha.

1.       Spired of Buddhism during the time of the Buddha. 

During the Buddha life time , Buddhism sprite in several important places in India. At the time Buddhism was not confined (limit area)  to the limits of mijjhimadesa. It travelled outside its boundary. It had thus a rapid progress. Towards the east it had spread to madhura and to the north to the land of the kuru. Before that advent ( higher) of Buddhism Brahmanism was the leading religion of country but the Buddha’s commanding personality, his simple method of preaching , his miraculous power and new ideas in his religion played so significant role in the mind of the people of the then India that they gave up their old  religions and philosophical ideas and embraced  ( love) the new religion on the Buddha. The accepted his religion and contributed to its development. Here is given below the names of several places where in the time of Buddha Buddhism prevailed.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Buddhist Meditation


Exam              : Mid-Term Examination Answer-sheets
Semester         : First Semester (1/2012)
Course No.     : Buddhist Meditation -V
Lecturer         : Dr. Phrakru Ghositthiputthisart

 ID; 530120115

1.      What is Dhammanupassana? Explain one kind of them.

Mahayana Buddhism in China

Special lecture Note for Mahayana Buddhism
This eight school in China, Thus are name of list as below..
1.       Vinaya School
2.       The Sonlun Zong or Theree-Treatise School
3.       Pure Land School
4.       Chan School
5.       Tian-Tai School
6.       Hua Yan School or Avatamsa School
7.       Faxian School or Dharma-Character School
8.       Vajrayana School
1.       Vinaya School

Mahayana Buddhism in Thailand

A visit to Mahayana Temples in Thailand
I liketraveling also l used to travel when I have free time in every year so l loves this trip too. Studying about Mahayana Buddhism, i have getting know new knowledge from our two teachers. As people say that more study more want to know that is correct because I don’t know about Mahayana Buddhism but after I study about four months I knew a lot so I would like to explain about these field trip as much as I understand.

Ecology Questions & Answers

Department of Buddhist Studies
International bachelor program in Buddhist studies
Mahachula Buddhist University, Wang Noi Campus
Academic years 2012

Exam-              Final examination answer-sheets
Semester-         First semester (11/102012)
Course no-       Buddhism and ecology
Lecturer –        Dr.Montra Leoseng
1.     How could you apply after graduated from this university this environmental preservation?.
I really like our rector, the most Ven.Prof. Dr. Dhammakosajarn, because the way of his explanation is so easy to understand also very clear what does meaning of environmental preservation basic on four Cakka his give general information to embrace our environment.

Buddhism & Ecology

Buddhism & Ecology
Lecture: Dr. Montra
Grass of Ecology around M.C.U Area
Study of any abiotic and biotic living things in our natural environment is called ecology. Today my topic is about Grass of Ecology. Here, around the world we found many Grasses diversity in which most of them have relationship with diffident species of animals and plants. There are some animals are depending on grass for their alive such as cow, buffalo, goat, cattle, sheep, horse, rabbit include etc..

Our Environment

Vamsapala,  ID,5301201125

How the environment has influenced the development of human societies and how the human impact on earth, giving on example of your home country. ?
Of course, environment has influenced the development of our human societies in many ways because humans are a part of the natural environment. Human were all born surrounding by nature environment in early societies. Both of Human society & environment deals with alive each other, without having good environment human society cannot be longer live but the problematic of today that increasing nature disasters and many diffident explosion by human creation such as booming, deforestation. Those reasons are leading toward end of human lives because whatever human use effort on environment we are all getting affect what human did. So, what do we need to take care of our environment to keep longer our lives? It is we clear according with studying of environmental methods that we need knowledge and understanding about human society & environment with organizing of people to take care of more responsibilities.

Buddhist Path of Practice Depicted in Dhammapada

Buddhist Path of Practice Depicted in Dhammapada 

1. Introduction
2.The Paths
3. What Buddhists Believe..!
4. Peace & Happiness
5. The ways of Practice
6. Dhamma
7. Conclusion
8. References
1. introduction
The teaching of Buddha is the ultimate truth (paths) in our universe  for all human beings. To day we are going to talk about what is the ultimate truth of Buddha teaching according to Dhammapada..
2. The Paths
  To refrain from all evil,
  To do what is good,
  To purify the mind,
  This is the teaching of the Buddha.          (Verse 183 in Dhammapada)

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