The Three Jewels:
The Sanskrit term "triratna"
(or tiratna in Pāli) literally means "Three Jewels". In Buddhism the
Three Jewels (or Three Treasures) refer to the Buddha, The Dharma (the Buddha's
teachings) and the Sangha (the community of monks and nuns, or more generally
the community of Buddhist practitioners). The name of this domain
"" reflects the contents of this website, information
about Buddhism, not just one of the yānas (see below) but all of Buddhism. At
present this website presents information about one aspect of Buddhism which
everyone can understand and relate to - historical facts, people and their
interconnections with one another. At present this site is organized according
to various Buddhist "transmission lineages". In addition to lineages,
historical, chronological, linguistic, and geographical resources relevant to
the study of Buddhist history are provided. Later, attempts will be made to
fill in more details - such as personal biographies, doctrinal explanations
What is Buddhism? The Three Turnings of the Wheel of the